Loc Caraddu Tempio Pausania SS
+39 380 4345808


The experience of Limbara Dreaming.

In any season, the guest of Limbara Dreaming can savor an intense experience walking through the wood and relaxing with the rhythms of nature. In fact, our facility is surrounded by greenery and this allows our guests to switch off from the daily routine and indulge in some relaxation.

The first aspect that strikes the visitor during a walk around the structure, I think, is a sort of inner calm, if one manages to disconnect from everything and follow the silent movements around. The rustling of the leaves of the tall oaks caressed by the wind able to confess the years lived and impressive with their mature age; the movement of the bushes protected with their bearing almost like a composition, a natural gallery where what happens is the result of time.

The experience of the steps in harmony with the silent environment, which sink into the wet earth of the cooler seasons, give a state of calm and serenity so as to leave room for the thoughts and reflections of a free mind. All this is due to the experience of the heady scents of plants that mix with sensations and resemble something that is not always clear to us but which often evoke memories.Experience

The colors change, the barks change in color and texture over time, the hedges breathe and shelter discreetly even when the leaves chase the wind running almost everywhere around. The nuances give their best in spring with an almost palpable energy of colors and scents, moving into summer in a riot of blooms like the brooms illuminated by the sun, towards autumn laying bare attesting an important passage with exciting colors.

Even winter has its shows, nature draws the land and the surrounding area inviting you to rest, as do the plants that slowly change their rhythms until you wake up. And every guest who wishes to fully experience the experience offered by our structure at the foot of Mount Limbara is invited to indulge in a therapeutic or “terrapeutic” regenerating break in line with the project of letting us savor every detail that surrounds us, detaching the mind from every any thoughts experience a sense of total relaxation and peace, as nature suggests.

In a nutshell this is the experience of Limbara Dreamin.