Loc Caraddu Tempio Pausania SS
+39 380 4345808



E’ una pianta aromatica coltivata originaria dell’Asia centrale, considerata in tempi antichi simbolo di felicità; è diffusa nella zona mediterranea si presenta in cespugli alti 30 40 cm.

Le foglie sono verdi tendenti al grigio per presenza di peluria e cresce spontanea molto simile all’origano.
Grazie al suo gradevole profumo fu molto amata dai greci, si narra che fù Afrodite a coltivarla per prima scegliendone la fragranza, mentre le ragazze greche pensavano che mettendo un rametto di Maggiorana sotto il cuscino avrebbero visto in sogno il volto del loro futuro marito.

Tutt’oggi si usano i rametti di Maggiorana per profumare la biancheria, nella medicina popolare trova impiego contro indigestioni, coliche, artriti e forme tumorali. Ma sopratutto in cucina viene usata per il suo profumo deciso e al tempo stesso dolce in aggiunta a crudo su vari piatti.


It is a cultivated aromatic plant native to Central Asia, considered in ancient times a symbol of happiness; it is widespread in the Mediterranean area and occurs in bushes 30 40 cm high. The leaves are green tending to gray due to the presence of hair and grows spontaneously very similar to oregano.

Thanks to its pleasant scent it was much loved by the Greeks, it is said that it was Aphrodite who first cultivated it by choosing its fragrance, while the Greek girls thought that by putting a sprig of Marjoram under the pillow they would see the face of their future husband in a dream.

Even today the sprigs of Marjoram are used to perfume linen, in folk medicine it is used against indigestion, colic, arthritis and cancers. But above all in the kitchen it is used for its strong and at the same time sweet scent in addition to raw on various dishes.


C’est une plante aromatique cultivée originaire d’Asie centrale, considérée dans l’Antiquité comme un symbole de bonheur ; il est répandu surtout dans la région méditerranéenne et se rencontre dans des buissons de 30 à 40 cm de haut. Les feuilles sont vertes tendant au gris en raison de la présence de poils et poussent spontanément très semblable à l’origan.

Grâce à son parfum agréable il était très apprécié des grecs, on dit que c’est Aphrodite qui le cultiva la première en choisissant le parfum, tandis que les filles grecques pensaient qu’en mettant un brin de marjolaine sous l’oreiller elles verraient le visage de leur futur mari dans un rêve. Aujourd’hui encore les brins de Marjolaine sont utilisés pour parfumer le linge, en médecine populaire on l’utilise contre l’indigestion, les coliques, l’arthrite et les cancers.

Mais surtout en cuisine on l’utilise pour son parfum fort et en même temps doux en plus et en plus on peut l’ajouter cru sur divers plats.

It is a cultivated aromatic plant native to Central Asia, considered in ancient times a symbol of happiness; it is widespread in the Mediterranean area and occurs in bushes 30 40 cm high. The leaves are green tending to gray due to the presence of hair and grows spontaneously very similar to oregano.

Thanks to its pleasant scent it was much loved by the Greeks, it is said that it was Aphrodite who first cultivated it by choosing its fragrance, while the Greek girls thought that by putting a sprig of Marjoram under the pillow they would see the face of their future husband in a dream.

Even today the sprigs of Marjoram are used to perfume linen, in folk medicine it is used against indigestion, colic, arthritis and cancers. But above all in the kitchen it is used for its strong and at the same time sweet scent in addition to raw on various dishes.